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Lapeer, Michigan, United States

Year 2021

Year 2021

As we enter the new year of twenty twenty one
this is a good time to praise God for all he has done
He sent his only son Jesus into this world of turmoil and strife
so that all who put their trust in him
could receive the gift of eternal life

This is a time for pressing forward to all that lies ahead
with renewed dedication and faith in all God said
It is a time to forget all our failures and sins of late
knowing they are all forgiven and we now have a clean slate

May this new year spark a vision and fire in our soul
with leading people to Jesus being our main goal
knowing that Jesus came to seek and to save the lost
that he paid for all our sins at such an awful cost

May we remember where we'd be without God's mercy and grace
and continue in His word and all his promises embrace
knowing that it is impossible for God the Father to lie
so completely in his word we can always depend on and rely

Above all, help us remember all the mocking, scorn, and pain
which Jesus endured for us so a home in heaven we could gain
All this he did to save us because his love is so marvelous and great
If he had not paid this enormous price, then hell would be our fate

Philippians 3:13: Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before.

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