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Jesus Paid My Debt


Jesus Paid My Debt

Jesus paid a debt I owed
a debt I could not pay
It was only by his merciful grace
that for me there was a way

I was born a sinner
inherited from Adam and Eve
The only way to have my debt paid was
to believe on Jesus and him receive

He came to pay for our sins
at such an awful cost
They put a crown of thorns on his head
and nailed him to the cross

When he was dying in agony
people watched him and did stare
Some said "He saved others
why don't He just come down from there"

But Jesus had to stay upon
the cruel cross you see
For he was hanging there
suffering for you and me

He had to stay on the cross
for our sins to pay
Then he cried "It is finished"
the debt paid in full that day

Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

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