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Saviour On The Cross


Saviour On The Cross

Jesus carried his heavy cross to Calvary
It was all because of his great love for you and me
Cruel men did mock him and spit in his face
He endured it all because he was taking our place

It was our sin that put him on the cross that day
Dying for our sins so we would not have to pay
It was his love that kept him nailed to the tree
So we could be forgiven and in Heaven one day be

If he had not paid that tremendous price for us
There would simply be no hope because
It took the blood of the sinless Lamb of God to pay for all
For all the sins of the world since the Adam and Eve fall

If we had to pay for our own sins, we would have to go to Hell
It is such a horrible place with fire, that it breaks my heart to tell
That is where there is gnashing of teeth and weeping and wailing
But Jesus paid for our sins and his love is unfailing

When he suffered on the cross and bled and died
"Truly this was the Son of God" some cried
After that he was in the tomb for three days and then arose
The payment did suffice and eternal life to believers he bestows

When I get to Heaven I am going to tell Jesus
"Thank you for all you did for me.
I don't deserve to be here
But you saved me mercifully"

If you do not know Jesus personally, just trust in his sacrifice for you
Just ask him to be your saviour and you can have eternal life too

John 3:36 He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him.

Romans 10:13 For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved

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Savior On The Cross

Savior On The Cross Jesus carried his heavy cross to Calvary It was all because of his great love for you and me Cruel men did mock him and ...