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Lapeer, Michigan, United States

God Remembered

 God Remembered

I waited for the Lord
and he answered my plea
When I thought I was forgotten,
He remembered me
Now I realize
I never should have doubted
but trusted in him fully
and on eagles wings mounted

My savior was always there
and never forsook me
though at times my vision was blurry
and I couldn't see
When my faith was tested
and found weak and faltering
He was still there
and gave me hope in which to cling

Now I can see
the times I gave up in defeat
I should have just left
my burdens at His feet
So many burdens on my shoulders
I carried needlessly
instead of giving them all to Jesus
and living victoriously

Exodus 2:24 And God heard their groaning, and God remembered his covenant with Abraham, with Isaac, and with Jacob.

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