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Jesus Came To Save

Jesus Came To Save

Jesus came not to call the righteous
but sinners to repent
When he left heaven to come to earth
that was his sole intent
It's not the people who are whole
but those sick who need a physician
Jesus came to save sinners
That's why he gave the great commission

He told us to go into all the world
and preach the gospel to every creature
Jesus came to the world to save sinners,
not just to be a good teacher
He died on the cross for all the sins of the world
that those who would on him believe
and trust his shed blood for remission of sin
would his free gift of salvation receive

To receive this wonderful gift of eternal life,
you only need to look to Jesus and live
He has already paid your sin debt
and is ready and willing to forgive
Jesus loves you so much
that he suffered and bled and died
If you've never asked him to be your savior,
then today is the day to decide

Jesus died, was buried, and rose again the third day
to save you from going to hell
That is the gospel story
the greatest story ever to tell
You only need to trust Jesus with your heart
and ask him to be your savior
He'll forgive you of all your sin and write your name in heaven
and give you abundant life and so much more

John 3:36 He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abideth on him.

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