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Lapeer, Michigan, United States

Just Think

 Just Think

Just think of stepping
on the peaceful golden shore
and hearing the heavenly harps play
with its beauty gallore

Just think of the majestic voices
of the choir sing
praises throughout all eternity
to Jesus the Lord and King

Just think of hearing the horns
play a melodic symphony
where there will be
no discordance or disharmony

Just think of finishing our course
and going to our home
never again to wander off track
and never again to roam

Just think of hearing Jesus say
"Well done"
The race now being over
and eternity has just begun

Just think how much
peace will be in that place
and how glad we will be
we are saved by his grace

Just think how wonderful
it will be to end our pilgrim journey
and be in that glorious land
forever throughout eternity

Just think of never again having
a battle with the flesh or the devil
To be up high above it
on a different plane and level

Just think of seeing loved ones
who are waiting in that land in the sky
We will see them again
and never have to say good bye

Just think how close it is
and how soon we will be there
It may even be today
we'll be breathing in the new celestrial air

Philippians 4:8 ..... whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.

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