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Onward Christian Soldiers


Onward Christian Soldiers

Onward fellow Christian soldiers
onward to the call
We have to help our comrades
when in the battle they fall

Let's pick up our fellow soldier
when they stumble on the battle field
If we help one another
the harvest will have a greater yield

Let's keep on pressing onward
on the upward way
This world is not our home
we are not here to stay

We have to keep on fighting
and press on to victory
Let's just keep on marching
to the orders of our Lord's decree

We get our orders from our commander
being in the army of our Lord
We have to keep marching forward
with our armor, shield and sword

Soon the battle will be over
and we are on the winning side
Let's not faint in the heat of the battle
or run away to hide

Let's stay stedfast and courageous
til we win the victor's crown
We must stay vigilant always
and not put our armour down

We must keep pressing onward
till every foe is defeated
and our mission on this earth
is finished and completed

We can tumble down the giants
in the name of our great king
Just like David did
with a single stone and sling

II Timothy 2:3 Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ.

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