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Lapeer, Michigan, United States

Walking By Faith


Walking By Faith 


Walking by faith and not by sight

trusting Jesus to keep you through the cold night

not looking at the obstacles or the flood tide

just keeping focused on the other side


Though the fierce winds are blowing strong

arrival to the other side will not be long

Have your passport in place and ready

Journeying to the other country sure and steady


When thick mist and fog are blinding your sight

Keep clinging to Jesus and hang on tight

He's got you in His hand with a firm grip

and with Him you are sure to finish the trip


God is able to do great and marvelous things

bringing you safely across on His mighty wings

As you take that final step onto solid ground

You'll be on cloud nine and your joy will abound


2 Corinthians 5:7 (For we walk by faith, not by sight:)

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