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Abraham Believed God

 Abraham Believed God

Abraham believed God
and it was accounted unto him for righteousness
He staggered not at God's promises,
but believed and them did possess
Believing in God's word,
he had faith God would do what he said
So he followed him completely
wherever he was led
Abraham believed that whatever God promised
he was able also to perform
So he did what God told him to do
and to this world did not conform
By faith Abraham went out of his country,
not knowing where he went
He just listened to God's command
and went where he was sent
Abraham believed God
and was called his friend
He followed God all the way
and had victory in the end
When we have faith in Christ's atonement
we are the children of faithful Abraham,
when by faith our souls are redeemed
by the precious blood of the lamb

Galatians 3:29 And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise.

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