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Lapeer, Michigan, United States

Walk Of Faith

Keep Your Eyes On Jesus


Keep your eyes on Jesus

He will never let you drown

He will lift you up out of the water

and plant your feet on higher ground

Keep on looking upward

when the storm winds are blowing hard

Jesus is always there

keeping watch and being on guard


Keep on having faith in Jesus

when troubles and doubts assail

He is the only one who can calm the sea

for His mighty power cannot fail


Matthew 14:28-32 


NOTE:  Poetry on this page is aimed toward people who have already been born again by trusting Jesus as their personal savior.  If you are not sure if you have ever received this wonderful free gift of salvation through faith in Christ only and not religion or good works, please refer to the following e-tract for a very clear presentation from the bible on how to be saved, have your sins forgiven, and be given the gift of eternal life.  God's Simple Plan of Salvation.

By Faith Launch Off


By faith get in the shuttle

and let the Lord take you up high

to realms unknown and unseen

by the human eye

By faith launch off

out into the deep outer space

trusting God to bring your spacecraft

back safely to its place

By faith get out

of your comfort zone,

keeping your eyes on Jesus,

who will never leave you alone

By faith listening for the words of our savior

"mission complete"

where we’ll enter heaven’s glory

and with perfect rest sit at His feet


Romans 4:20 He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong in faith, giving glory to God.



Miracles By Believing


When circumstances are most dire

is when Jesus works so His name is glorified

If the devil tells you to give up

and "there is no use", he has lied

If you have thoughts that the Lord has failed you,

you certainly are wrong

Miracles and blessings are coming your way

to change your mourning to a joyful song

Jesus does great miracles

for those who believe

Trusting in His power

and waiting for miraculous things to receive

When things look the worst

and you are facing a great trial or test

that is the perfect time for Jesus to do a miracle

and His name be glorified best


Mark 5:35 While he yet spake, there came from the ruler of the synagogue's house certain which said, Thy daughter is dead: why troublest the Master any further?

 5:36 As soon as Jesus heard the word that was spoken, he saith unto the ruler of the synagogue, Be not afraid, only believe.



Not Stranded Out At Sea


Do you feel like you are all alone in your boat

stranded at sea way out far

You're not alone because under the deep blue water

is where God's mighty hands are

His great and powerful hands that you cannot see

are holding up your boat

He has you in his care and you will not perish

because He will keep you afloat

You're never alone in the wilderness of the sea

because God's hands are right under you

He'll bring your boat safe to shore

and you'll see the miracles He is about to do


Isaiah 43:16 Thus saith the LORD, which maketh a way in the sea, and a path in the mighty waters;



 Jesus Knows His Sheep


Once we are born again

we become Jesus' sheep

We can never ever be lost

and our soul he will always keep

Our shepherd goes before us

and we know his voice

By following him it makes us glad

and our heart rejoice

Jesus the shepherd knows us

and calls us by our name

To give his life for us on the cross

is the reason that he came

By laying down his life for us

he gives us eternal and abundant life free

The good shepherd did it all

and tells us "come unto me."


John 10:14 I am the good shepherd, and know my sheep, and am known of mine.





Faith sees the victory as being already won

and walks through the darkness with the light of God’s son

Faith makes a weak person strong through the Lord’s might

to soar on eagles wings to a new height

Faith is believing in miracles only from God’s power

and being led by the Spirit to be Christ’s follower

Faith is knowing our earthly life is just a vapor

that the only thing that will last is what is done for our savior

Faith is embracing the promises and ever clinging to them

until the day our journey is over and we will be with Him


Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen



Reconciled To God

Once an alien and an enemy of God,

through the blood of the cross I was reconciled

My soul reclaimed and redeemed

and my name written down in heaven and filed

I am now safe and secure in God’s loving hand

throughout eternity and forever

and from his great love and keeping

nothing can ever sever

He saved me by his grace and keeps me by the same

This great salvation I can never lose

can never be plucked out of his hand

And of this merciful gift is what I like to muse


Romans 5:10 For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved by his life.

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