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Lapeer, Michigan, United States

My First Love


My First Love

I'm beginning to remember the first love that I had
When Jesus saved my soul and I was so glad
How every person I saw, I cared about their soul
and didn't want them to die and drop into the fiery hole

My heart wants to repent from where I've fallen
for I hear the Lord speaking to me and calling
Telling me to have a burden for souls like I did then
and come back to the first works and do them again

May I love lost souls the way God does love
Who sent his only son from heaven above
To save a soul from eternal fire and the flame
and went to the cross and took all the blame

I ask for God's power to help me witness in Jesus name
and to tell sinners the reason why he came
To share the gospel story how Jesus will save
and is the greatest gift that God ever gave

May I again have tears for a soul that is lost
and remember that is why Jesus went to the cross
If not for God's saving grace, there would be I
But instead I obtained mercy from on high

I'm sorry for all the years that I spent lukewarm
Just going through the motions and thinking that was the norm
Forgetting how by mercy I was saved from going to Hell
and by wondrous grace drunk from the everlasting well

Lord, help me never to forget the great price that was paid
and may my all on the altar of sacrifice be laid
To forsake all things in life that are dear to me
and be made a vessel of honor for thee

Thank you Jesus for bringing me back to my first love
and giving me glorious things to write of

Rev 2:4 Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love.

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