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Jesus Bears My Burdens


Jesus Bears My Burdens

When my heart was heavy
with sorrow and sank
it was then that I went
to the living fountain and drank
Jesus bears my burdens
and lightens my load
I believe all His promises
that in His book he told
He sees, He knows, and carries me
to the rock that is higher
and gives me victory over Satan
who is the greatest liar
Jesus is always there
at times I need a faithful friend
and when the old accuser attacks
he is ready to defend

Jesus saw my heart and knew
my burden was too heavy to bear
so tenderly He said
"cast on me all your care"
I gave my burden to Him
and left it in his hand
He encouraged my heart
and gave me the strength to withstand
With Jesus on my side
I knew I could not lose the fight
The glory of his presence
shone in my heart like a beautiful light
He gave me a vision to keep on going
and serve him with all my heart
as I felt the comfort of the Holy Spirit
and knew He would not depart

I poured out my complaint to the Lord
and made my earnest plea
I begged for his mercy
and to do a miracle for me
I felt my cry came into his ears
and that he had heard
recalling many promises
I had read in his Word
With a sweet assurance
my petitions were appealed
it seemed like my requests
were then recorded and sealed
I knew the Lord would answer
in His time and way
and though my heart was breaking
there was coming a joyful day

Jesus is the only one
who knows all and understands
keeping me safe and secure
in his strong and loving hands
caring for me and uplifting me with his love
all the day long
and even when in the deepest valley
puts in my heart a song
He delivers me from all my troubles
so that I am not consumed by them
and reassures my heart
to keep trusting and leaning on Him
With songs of deliverance in the night
Jesus always brings the victory
keeping me with his sustaining grace
til I finish my journey

When the pathway before me
looks uncertain and obscured from my sight
I just trust the Lord knows what he is doing
and that His way is always right
His way is so perfect,
how could I ever doubt him or fear
always looking upward
and waiting for my Lord to appear
New wonders of his grace and blessings
He shows me day by day
So good is He to me,
I want to never from him stray
Jesus knows the way that I take
and the trials that I face
and will deliver me all the days of my life
til I reach my final resting place

I've had a burden on my heart
for many years
and for my dearest loved ones
I've shed many tears
Now that my life on earth
is coming to a close
I know a great victory is coming
over Satan who did oppose
When I get home I'll be waiting
for my loved ones to join me there
where we can all be together again
and all the glories of Heaven share
Thank you Lord Jesus for keeping me
in your care throughout my life
and for giving me a great hope
that someday everything will be alright

Psalm 55:22 Cast thy burden upon the LORD, and he shall sustain thee: he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved.

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