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The World's Database

 The World's Database

Be careful before you state your case
For it will be in the world's database
You'd be surprised what the world knows about you
So just cling to Jesus and His will pursue

This is the time to be put to the test
The devil wants to sink us and is doing his best
Our Saviour told us the world is not our friend
So stick close to Jesus until the very end

The victory is ours because we're on the winning side
Even the devil won't be able to get over that tide
He knows in the end he is a defeated foe
So he's tying to get everyone to go with him below

The devil has many tricks up his sleeve
But Jesus is the one whom we should please
Don't let the evil one lead you astray
Keep looking upward and do not sway

Jesus will keep us in his care
So we do not need to ever despair
Even though the world is so bad
He keeps us strong and our armor to clad

Our name is written in the records up above
And we can never escape from his love
He is the strong one and ever so true
You can trust all He said He will do

Revelation 3:5: He that overcometh, the same shall be clothed in white raiment; and I will not blot out his name out of the book of life, but I will confess his name before my Father, and before his angels.

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