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The Christian Tightrope Walk

The Christian Tightrope Walk 

To walk the Christian walk
is putting one foot in front of the other
as it seems on a narrow thread
firmly, calculated, and with utmost precision
never looking back, just looking straight ahead

Underneath are the mighty hands of God
who is watching you every second
and protects you and keeps you from falling
when you place your faith in Him
and upon His name humbly calling

God is watching every step you take
and He is able to do the impossible
for his name to be glorified
Keeping your feet firmly planted
so you won't falter on the slippery slide

God is keeping watch when you are walking
through the thick foggy mist
and can't see where you are going
but still trusting in God the Father
and Jesus the Son as the all knowing

God answers prayer for those who trust
and thank Him for the finished task
of crossing over to the other side
For the name of Jesus to be lifted up
and be praised and heard worldwide

Jude 24 Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy,

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