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Lapeer, Michigan, United States

Spiritual Warfare

Keep Pressing On


Be of good comfort,

be of good cheer

No need to worry,

no need to fear

Just trust

and then go on

Following Jesus

until the new dawn

Keep pressing on

to finish strong

The final victory

will not be long

Soon there will be

no more battles to fight

when we’ve gone the last mile

walking in His light


Phillipians 3:13 I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.



Onward Christian Soldiers


 Onward fellow Christian soldiers

onward to the call

 We have to help our comrades

when in the battle they fall


Let's pick up our fellow soldier

when they stumble on the battle field

If we help one another

the harvest will have a greater yield


Let's keep on pressing onward

on the upward way

This world is not our home

we are not here to stay


We have to keep on fighting

and press on to victory

Let's just keep on marching

to the orders of our Lord's decree


We get our orders from our commander

being in the army of our Lord

We have to keep marching forward

with our armor, shield and sword


Soon the battle will be over

and we are on the winning side

Let's not faint in the heat of the battle

or run away to hide


Let's stay stedfast and courageous

til we win the victor's crown

We must stay vigilant always

and not put our armour down


We must keep pressing onward

till every foe is defeated

and our mission on this earth

is finished and completed


We can tumble down the giants

in the name of our great king

Just like David did

with a single stone and sling


II Timothy 2:3 Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ.


Be Strong In The Lord


Be strong in the Lord

and the power of his might

equipped with his armour

so you can win the fight

Blessed are the people

who put their trust in the Lord

and go out to the battle

with his shield and sword


To be a good soldier,

afflictions we must endure

The path is not easy

and has hardships to be sure

We must endure all things

for the elect's sake

So they might of

God's great gift partake


The world will fight against us

and will oppose

But we are on the winning side

because our Lord arose

Jesus did arise victoriously

from the grave

Now we can go out to the battle

in his name and be brave


We are the Lord's army

to go out in Jesus name

and to the whole world

the gospel proclaim

The devil will flee when he hears

the name of God's son

He is a defeated foe

and by God's power outdone


Ephesians 6:10-11 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.


All Things Work For Good


All things work together for good

to those who love God

He watches us from his throne

and sees the path we trod

He is our heavenly father

and has a purpose and plan

and can do any miracle

that no other one can


He who delivered up his own son

to die upon the tree

with him will freely give us all things

and from our burdens set us free

God's love is so great

that nothing can separate us from it

He has redeemed our soul

so in heavenly places we could sit


Jesus, who died and rose again,

is sitting at the Father's right hand

He'll lead us all the way

till we reach the promised land

Through the love of Christ

we are more than conquerors

He gives us his spirit's power

like the wings of an eagle that soars


Romans chapter 8



The Fight And The Race


The most exciting part of a fight

is when it is won

and the best part of a race

is when it is done

If you want to cross over

the finish line some day

you have to take off the starting line

and in the race stay

If you want to win the battle

and wear the victor's crown

you have to stay vigilent in the fight

until the very last round


II Timothy 4:7 I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith:


The Battle


This world is the battlefield between evil and good

We are on the Lord's side, so to fight we should

The battle will be over when we hear the trumpet sound

What a glorious day will be when the saints gather round


His Holy Spirit will guide us, though often tossed and torn

He will lead us through our pilgrim way after being reborn

We must follow his leading as we walk the straight and narrow way

And be careful not to love this world and in heaven treasures lay


Help us remember the day you rescued us from hell

And go to a poor lost world and to the gospel tell

May we ever do your will as we go through many a test

And when we are often weary to lean upon thy breast


 I John 2:15 Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.



Power To The Faint


God gives his power not to the strong

 but to the faint that have no might

When we are at the end of our strength

is when he will take us to a new height

Our bodily strength and human wisdom

are so weak and so frail

but God is never tired or weary

and His power does never fail


Our God is never at his wits end

He always knows the way out

He knows the situation we are in

and what it is all about

God is never discouraged and never tired

of hearing and answering our prayers

He is never tired of forgiving our sins

and he surely always cares


God is always waiting patiently for us

to come to him and seek his face

and give us his strength for our weakness

to sustain us by his grace

Those who wait upon the Lord

shall be renewed and mount up on eagles wings

and serve the Lord through His power

and be happy in the joy it brings


Isaiah 40:28-29: Hast thou not known? hast thou not heard, that the everlasting God, the LORD, the Creator of the ends of the earth, fainteth not, neither is weary? there is no searching of his understanding. He giveth power to the faint; and to them that have no might he increseth strength.



The Winning Side


The victory is ours because we’re on the winning side

No matter what happens, we’re going to with Jesus eternally abide

The trials of this life will soon be forever past

Only treasures laid up in heaven will be what will truly last

If God is on our side, then who can be against us

Whether we live or die we will be victorious

With God fighting our battles, we are sure to win

For He is greater than any other and has always been

Today is the day of battle, tomorrow will be the victor’s song

Hold on dear brother and sister, for sure it won’t be long

Though the battle now seems fierce with many trials to overcome

Just keep trusting the Lord, the one whom our strength comes from


Romans 8:31 What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us?



Counting The Cost


Trusting Jesus for salvation of the soul

 is a free gift that can never be lost

 but to follow Jesus and be his disciple

 a born again Christian must count the cost

 Are you willing to follow Jesus all the way

 and love him even more than your church

 to stand alone for Him while being misunderstood

 and even say goodbye to the dearest on earth

 It is easy to follow the crowd

 and do what the other Christians at church do

 But to follow Jesus completely

 means much more than just sitting in a pew

 When going against the grain, Jesus will be so near

 to help you stand for truth and right

 and through every trial to bless

 as you keep the gospel banner high and walk in His light


 Luke 14:26-27 If any man come unto me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.

 And whosoever doth not bear his cross, and come after me, cannot be my disciple.


Stay Steadfast


Stay steadfast in your faith and never waver

 Worship the only true God and Jesus the savior

 Though Satan tries to tempt and lead you astray

 Just keep your eyes on Jesus and he’ll show you the way

 His promises are true and will never fail

 Have faith in his Holy Word and keep on the gospel trail

 Be filled with his Holy Spirit, none other will do

 Without the spirit of Christ, people don’t even have a clue

 Keep your heart with all diligence and be true to Christ til the end

 Like the three Hebrew children who wouldn’t bow or bend


II Peter 3:17 Ye therefore, beloved, seeing ye know these things before, beware lest ye also, being led away with the error of the wicked, fall from your own stedfastness.



Get Up One More Time


Have you been knocked down so many times

it seems like you'll never win the fight

Just get up one more time,

you can do it with God's power and might

When you're knocked down

just get back up on your feet

God is on your side

and the enemy He will defeat

There's a battle to fight

and victory to be won

Never give up,

Satan will be overcome

No matter how tough it seems

just get up one more time

Get up, get up, get up,

even if you're down til the count of nine


Proverbs 24:16 For a just man falleth seven times, and riseth up again: but the wicked falleth into mischief.

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