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Lapeer, Michigan, United States

Jesus Is My Friend


Jesus Is My Master, Friend, And Savior

Jesus is my master
because I want to serve him
since He did so much for me
and saved me from my sin
He didn’t force me to be in His army
with an iron fist
but because I love him
I did willingly enlist

Jesus is my friend
who knows my weaknesses and infirmities
He was in all points likewise tempted
and with sympathy hears my pleas
He is always there for me
to help in times of stress and need
taking my burdens to the Father’s throne
and to intercede

Jesus is my savior,
not a hard taskmaster ruler without compassion
But with His love and mercy
suffered for me when His work on Calvary was done
Knowing Jesus is my savior and friend
brings great peace and joy to my heart
with the confidence that he loves and forgives always
and will never depart

Hebrews 4:15 For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin.
Hebrews 4:16 Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.


He Called Me His Friend

Jesus is so good,
he called me his friend
He promised to stay with me
to the very end
The precious lamb of God
who shed his blood for me on the cross
will be my friend forever
and I can never be lost

Jesus is so good,
he called me his friend
His love is so pure and true
it can never offend
He is a friend
who keeps all the promises he makes
and guides me into paths of truth and right
for his name’s sake

Jesus is so good,
he called me his friend
Upon his everlasting faithfulness
I can always depend
He is the one friend
that I can never ever lose
He’s the keeper of my soul ever since trusting him
as my savior I did choose

Jesus is so good,
he called me his friend
He tells me of things to come
and what will be the end
He told me to not be troubled
because he’s preparing a place for me
and one day I’ll be with him in heaven
and all the mansions he’s made I’ll see

Jesus is so good,
he called me his friend
Nothing can ever tear me apart from him
nor ever sever or rend
If you’ve never asked Jesus
to forgive you of your sins and to save you,
just trust in him now and ask
and he’ll be your friend too

John 15:15 Henceforth I call you not my servants; for the servant knoweth not what his lord doeth: but I have called you friends; for all things that I have heard of my father I have made known to you

John 14:1 Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.



He Lifted Me

The love of Jesus lifted me
When in darkness I could not see
I was sinking deep in the muck and mire
And with my sin I was so tired

I was bowed down by the weight of my sin
With no hope and only darkness within
I could in no way lift up myself
But Jesus saw my sad state and revealed himself

I asked Jesus to be merciful to me a sinner
With his cleansing blood he made me a winner
I gained the prize of being forgiven
My sin burden lifted and my name written in heaven

My Savior promised to never forsake me or leave
My heart's desire is to him to always cleave
When I'm in trouble and see no way out
He hears my cry and cares for me without a doubt

Psalms 40:2 He brought me up also out of an horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock, and established my goings.



Jesus, A True Friend

Jesus gives great peace
in a time of war
always there to help
the needy soul and poor
Jesus will never fail you
when you need His guiding hand
He'll pick you up and carry you
til you reach the promised land

Jesus never fails, His love will carry you
He is ever faithful and a friend so true

Jesus will always love
and never forsake you
even when the sea is stormy,
He will see you through
Jesus has all the power
to give the victory
He already conquered the enemy
on the cross of Calvary

Jesus never fails, His love will carry you
He is ever faithful and a friend so true

Jesus is never bitter,
His love is true and strong
You can always count on Him
to never do you wrong
Jesus' love is always constant
and steady to the end
In Him you could never find
a more truer friend

John 15:13 Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.



Resting In Jesus

I’m resting in Jesus,
He is my all and all
waiting for him to come and fetch me
and listening for his call
I know he’ll take me home
when the time is right
What a day that will be
to behold the glorious sight
Once I get home
I’ll never want to leave there
It will be all joy and gladness
without a worry or care
As I am waiting,
every moment Jesus is near
and being in His care
there is no need to fear

Psalm 37:7 Rest in the LORD, and wait patiently for him:



My Friend Is Jesus

(Inspired by Facebook)

There is no friend like Jesus in this world below
I have a few friends surely, their faces I will know
When we're all together in that land so fair and sweet
There forever and once for all we will again meet

But the face I long to see the most
And would sail from coast to coast
Is the face of my dear Friend
Who will love me til the end

His name is Jesus

Friends may come and friends may go
But there's one thing I know
I'll have a friend forever that will never go away
Even when I wander and sometimes go astray

When friends are gone, he's still there
And I know he'll always care
I don't know when I'll see his face
But I'm so glad he saved me by his grace

His name is Jesus

I know a lot of names and faces
But all of them are in different places
The place I long to be
Is the place where I'll forever be free
Free from all sin and shame
The place from which my Savior came

He came to earth to be the light
Help me Lord to win the fight
Through My Friend all foes will be beaten
And I'll be safe in a place not heatened

I don't deserve to be in that fair land
But that's where he's taking me by His great hand
My Friend is so strong and I'm so weak
Help me Lord not to shreak

I have loved ones, help me stand
Even if I'm not the leader of the band
When I fall you pick me up
Help me Lord drink from your cup

My Friend Jesus is so pure and good
Help me Lord to do the things I should
Help me Lord to love you more
Even more then I did before

My Friend is more precious than silver and gold
And the half has not been told
Someday we will know everything
But til then let's just be glad He's the King

I Corinthians 13:12 For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.

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