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Lapeer, Michigan, United States

Homeland Security


Homeland Security


I am a citizen of a great and holy nation

with perfect homeland security

Someday I will go to that far off glory land

and live throughout eternity

The citizens of this nation are peculiar people

from different places on earth

They are all the people who know Jesus

and have experienced the new birth


My homeland security keeps me safe

from all danger and harm

And someday I will be in my homeland

comforted by God's arm

There will be no need for armed guards

or policemen in that land

For there Jesus the Savior

will be the light in that place so grand


Jesus is preparing our homeland

and safe haven of rest

Where all the saints in Glory

will be forever eternally blest

We will be there with our Savior

forever in that wonderful place

After we have traveled life's short journey

and finished the race


I Peter 2:9 But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people ....



 I'm Going to a Country


 I'm going to a country whose land is fair

 There will be no weeping when we get there

It will all be over, with great peace in that place

and we'll be singing praises about saved by grace


In that place there will be no more pain

All the glories of heaven will be our gain

We'll be so happy to leave our troubles behind

and there in heaven rich treasures to find


Once and for all we will lay our burdens down

and there we will never again have a frown

We'll be with Jesus, the one who delivers

and the one who is the greatest of all givers


Our trials and tribulations will be over forevermore

When we get there Jesus will settle the score

He is already acquainted with all our sorrows and grief

and someday we will have total and everlasting relief


There we will never be tired and weary

Everything in heaven will be bright and cheery

All our labors will then be done

And we'll be rejoicing the victory is won


I'll see my savior who bore all my sins for me

and his dear face I will then clearly see


Hebrews 11:16 But now they desire a better country, that is, an heavenly ....



Heaven Bound


I know I’m heaven bound

I can barely keep my feet on the ground

My savior has been so good

He’s done everything he said he would

He’s stayed with me ever since I trusted in him

and never let me down even when my way looked dim

My savior is so good, I want the world to know

and his wonderful salvation to sinners show

I’m so happy he saved me by his grace

and I can hardly wait to see him face to face


Phillippians 3:20 For our conversation is in heaven; from whence also we look for the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ:

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