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Lapeer, Michigan, United States

The Master Potter

The Master Potter


Does your life seem like

 one gigantic disaster

Then just give the broken pieces

over to the Master


He can remold something beautiful

out of the lump of clay

He is the potter and will reshape it

and not throw it away


He can put back the pieces

of a heart that is torn and battered

Nothing is too hard for him

even when your life seems shattered


He will restore the years that

the locusts have eaten

and give you rich blessings on high

that cannot be beaten


Just entrust him with your life

give it completely to him

Then you will be His disciple

and the world will seem so dim


Your focus will be changed

 from things here on earth

To things up above in heaven

and the things that have much worth


Jeremiah 18:4 And the vessel that he made of clay was marred in the hand of the potter: so he made it again another vessel, as seemed good to the potter to make it.



Pilgrim Journey


Ofttimes during my earthy journey I long to be in my home on high

 But God says "It's not your time to go to the land of By and By"

 So I think I'll just keep on going and toiling along my pilgrim way

 And hope someday, "Well done my faithful servant" I will hear my Savior say


I've been sorely tried and tempted and failed so many a test

But now I want to start over and give the Lord my best

He has done so much for me and I can never thank him enough

He raises me up from my sick bed and tells me to be tough


He heals the brokenhearted and their wounds he binds all up

And says to his dear children "Come and dine with me and sup"

He loves to give his strength to people who are faint and weak

Jesus has the power we need because he is so lowly and meek


I thank the Lord for his love and for never giving up on me

He's the potter and I'm the clay to make me what I should be

He goes with me in the valley and on the mountain top

And forever throughout eternity his love will never stop


Isaish 64:8 But now, O Lord, thou art our father; we are the clay, and thou our potter; and we all are the work of thy hand.



Springs of Living Water


Being so long in a dry and parched land

my tongue did fail for thirst

It was then I heard my savior say

"Just let go and put me first."


I drunk from the living fountain

that never shall run dry

When I was famished and thirsty

that's when God heard my cry


When I went out to the wilderness

to seek substance for my soul

springs of living water gushed forth

and filled my heart to full


He poured out springs of living water

onto my dry barren ground

and staying close to him

was where sweet peace I found


He watered my scorched land

from his everlasting well

and has given me the words

of wondrous things to tell


Isaiah 44:3 For I will pour water on him that is thirsty, and floods upon the dry ground ....



The Lord Brought Me Out


When I felt shut up

through the bread of adversity

The Lord brought me out

into a large place

Though the waters seemed to be

flooding my soul and drowning me

He pulled me up out the waters

to keep running the race

He set my feet upon the solid ground

and gave to me a vision

to get my eyes off temporal things

unto things that are eternal

He just needed to refine me

and do some work and revision


Psalm 118:5 I called upon the LORD in distress: the LORD answered me, and set me in a large place.



The Lord Is My Strength


The Lord is my rock and fortress,

 my strength and deliverer

He keeps me as the apple of his eye

and makes me more than a conqueror

When I'm in distress,

my cry comes even into his ears

He is always there for me

and my prayers he hears


When the troubles of my heart are enlarged

and I feel alone and desolate

He comes to my defense

and is my advocate

When I turn to him with my need

he shows me his way and path

and pardons all my iniquity

instead of giving me his wrath


In the times of trouble

he will hide me in his pavilion

where nothing there can harm me

and I can rejoice in what he has done

When I wait upon the Lord

he gives me courage and strengthens my heart

and assures me he is always with me

and will never depart


Psalm 31:24 Be of good courage, and he shall strengthen your heart, all ye that hope in the LORD.

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