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My Testimony Poetry


My Testimony Poetry


Joy and Peace

There is a deep peace down within my soul

For I know I've been forgiven and my name's on heaven's roll

I've got the joy, joy, joy down in my heart

for my savior did not forsake me, he's been there from the start


He has always been with me since I first believed

and so many blessings from him I have received

My savior kept me in his hand like he promised he would

and when I could not understand he worked it out for good


At times when my journey on earth seemed to be long

he upheld me in his arms and gave to me a song

Praise the Lord, Jesus stayed with me to the very end

He was there through the rough times and his love he did extend


Words cannot express how I love my savior so

for his tender mercies do forever continuously flow

He remembered me when my way I could not find

He was there all the time and I was always on his mind


 John 14:27 Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.

 "How’d You Get So Rich"


If you want to ask me

"How ’d you get so rich?"

I’ll tell you the story,

the following of which ….

I once was a lost sinner

and condemned to hell

But Jesus saved my soul

and now I’ve a story to tell

I’m saved, I’m saved,

Jesus ransomed my soul

He gave me eternal riches

and life so abundant and full

Jesus ransomed my soul

with His own shed blood

forgave me of my sin

and pulled me out of the mire and mud

He gave to me an inheritance

that can never be taken away

I’ll live with him eternally

and walk on streets of gold someday


I Peter 1:4 To an inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled, and that fadeth not away, reserved in heaven for you.


Forgiven By Jesus


The reason I love Jesus

is because he has forgiven me so much

My sins, which were many,

he washed away with his miraculous touch


He told me to "go in peace,"

and by faith I was made whole

When I trusted him with my heart,

he saved my soul


Because of his forgiveness,

I can talk to him and love him so,

have fellowship with his sufferings

and his wisdom know


It's all because Jesus forgave my sins,

not in part, but all

and throughout my pilgrim journey

I am listening for his call


Luke 7:47 Wherefore I say unto thee, her sins, which are many, are forgiven; for she loved much: but to whom little is forgiven, the same loveth little.

Luke 7:50 And he said to the woman, Thy faith hath saved thee, go in peace.



Something Wonderful


Something wonderful happened to me thirty years ago

It was the day I asked Jesus to have mercy on me

I knew I was an undone sinner, but Jesus loved me so

He forgave me, gave me a new heart, and made my blind eyes see


Something wonderful happened and I shall never forget

what my savior did for me on that day I did repent

It was a great day when Jesus pulled me out of the pit

He answered my prayer for mercy and did not relent


Oh, the wonderful healing that happened on that glorious day

to have my heart disease of sin and spiritual blindness gone

when Jesus saved my soul and came into my heart to stay

now being kept by his mercy forever and to Him always belong


How Jesus could ever love a sinner like me I'll never understand

but one thing I do know for sure is that it's true

His wondrous love and mercy is more than marvelous and grand

He took all my sin upon himself and paid my penalty that was due


If you have never had something wonderful happen to you

then just come to Jesus as a sinner in need of forgiveness

He will do the same for you, wash your sins away, and make your heart new

He loves you so that he died on the cross, all you need to do is just confess


Psalm 139:6 Such knowledge is too wonderful for me; it is high, I cannot attain unto it.

Mark 1:15 .... repent ye and believe the gospel.

 Luke 18:13 And the publican, standing afar off, would not lift up so much as his eyes unto heaven, but smote upon his breast, saying, God be merciful to me a sinner.




Everything Was Changed


I once was dead in trespasses and sins

 but now am alive in Christ

I once walked in the ways of the world

but now my citizenship is in heaven

Everything was changed when Jesus saved my soul

All things became new and life so rich and full


I once was lost without hope or direction

but now I know where I’m going

I once was far from God and couldn’t reach him

but now am made nigh by the blood of Christ

Everything was changed when Jesus saved my soul

All things became new and life so rich and full

I once was a child of the devil

but now I am a child of God

I once was headed for eternal damnation

but now am on my way to eternity in Paradise

Everything was changed when Jesus saved my soul

All things became new and life so rich and full


II Corinthians 5:17 Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.



Name of Jesus Engrafted

The name of Jesus is engrafted upon my heart where only God can see

 written with the ink of the blood of the Lamb shed for me

It is permanent and can never be removed

When God sees the blood on my heart I am approved

This engraving will always be there to stay

So thankful am I it can never fade away

The blood stained mark on my heart

is applied there with the finest art

With this engraftment I can never be lost

by faith in His name it is there without cost,

never to regret having this engraving in place

to belong to Jesus eternally by his mercy and grace

Exodus 12:13 … and when I see the blood, I will pass over you …



He Lifted Me


The love of Jesus lifted me

When in darkness I could not see

I was sinking deep in the muck and mire

And with my sin I was so tired


I was bowed down by the weight of my sin

With no hope and only darkness within

I could in no way lift up myself

But Jesus saw my sad state and revealed himself


I asked Jesus to be merciful to me a sinner

With his cleansing blood he made me a winner

I gained the prize of being forgiven

My sin burden lifted and my name written in heaven


My Savior promised to never forsake me or leave

My heart's desire is to him to always cleave

When I'm in trouble and see no way out

He hears my cry and cares for me without a doubt


Psalms 40:2 He brought me up also out of an horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock, and established my goings.

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