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Thinking About Home

Going Home


I’m going home, I’m going home

I can feel it in my bones

I can almost hear the heavenly choir singing

in sweet angelic tones

In this earthly tabernacle

I do groan and am burdened

to be clothed with my home in heaven

where eternity I will spend

I’m willing to be absent from the body

and be present with my Lord

Just to be released from this body of sin

will be a great reward

I am eager for and long to

put off this corruptible body of clay

and to be at blessed rest

in Heaven’s eternal day


II Corinthians 5:1  For we know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved, we have a building of God, an house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. 

II Peter 1:14  Knowing that shortly I must put off this my tabernacle, even as our Lord Jesus Christ hath shewed me.



Just Think


Just think of stepping

on the peaceful golden shore

and hearing the heavenly harps play

with its beauty gallore


Just think of the majestic voices

of the choir sing

praises throughout all eternity

to Jesus the Lord and King


Just think of hearing the horns

play a melodic symphony

where there will be

no discordance or disharmony


Just think of finishing our course

and going to our home

never again to wander off track

and never again to roam


Just think of hearing Jesus say

"Well done"

The race now being over

and eternity has just begun


Just think how much

peace will be in that place

and how glad we will be

we are saved by his grace


Just think how wonderful

it will be to end our pilgram journey

and be in that glorious land

forever throughout eternity


Just think of never again having

a battle with the flesh or the devil

To be up high above it

on a different plane and level


Just think of seeing loved ones

who are waiting in that land in the sky

We will see them again

and never have to say good bye


Just think how close it is

and how soon we will be there

It may even be today

we'll be breathing in the new celestrial air


Philippians 4:8 ..... whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.



Mansion In The Sky


My bags are all packed

and I'm ready to go

When Jesus comes for me

he won't be slow


He is going to come quickly

in the twinkling of an eye

I'm going to be with Jesus

in my mansion in the sky


It won't be much longer

just a few more weary days to stay

Then will be the glorious dawning

of a brand new day


Our labors and trials will be over

when we're in our new home

The victory will be won

never again on the earth to roam


If you want to have a mansion

in the sky with me

just trust Jesus as your savior

for he has paid your fee


It was all because of the

great price Jesus paid

that I could be forgiven

and have my mansion made


My mansion is built by

Jesus' own hand

and there will be great rejoicing

in that house so grand


We'll be so happy to be with

Jesus the King

and all our praises and thanks

to Him we will bring


John 14:2 In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.

When We Get To Heaven


Someday we will hear the heavenly choir sing

With the loud triumphant anthems ring

It will be the day the fight and battle is won

And we will look upon the face of God's dear son


All the wounded soldiers will be in a safe haven at last

Their wounds all bound up and Satan be an outcast

No more need for healing, no more burdens to bear

We will be forever set free when we get over there


May we keep our eyes on Jesus and look towards the finish line

And occupy til he comes, then at his feet we'll sit and dine

It will be so wonderful to have perfect peace and rest

To be safe in the arms of Jesus and be eternally blest


Our works will follow after us, so let us labor for what will last

Help us not give up and quit, but to stay in the race stedfast

We will never be sorry for one moment of labor spent for his name

But regret all the countless hours that were wasted away in vain


Rev 14:13 And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Write, Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth: Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from the labours; and their works do follow them.



No Regrets or Remorse


The sufferings we go through now will seem as nothing

when compared with the glory that does await

when this earthly life is over

and we go through the pearly white gate

It will be a glorious day to see our savior face to face

All the pain and hardships will be remembered no more

We will see Jesus in all his majesty and power

when we arrive at that beautiful shore

It will be worth it all when God calls us home

to know we have finished our course

and to know that for everything we did for Jesus

we will have no regrets or remorse


 Roman 8:18 For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.

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