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Hope In God

 Hope In God

How wonderful it is to have an unshakable hope
When going through trials and tribulations it is our lifesaving rope
Without hope in God where would our lives be
They would be like a wandering ship lost out at sea

When our heart is aching amidst the darkest night
hope comes shining forth like a bright and glorious light
Without hope we would be lost in an ocean of despair
But God gives us his Word and assures us he is always there

When trouble is all around and our dreams seem to shatter
It is then we find that love and faith are the things that really matter
God will never fail us no matter what we face
He will always meet our need with his sustaining grace

Our hope comes from God's word, that's where it is found
We can meditate upon it and put our feet on solid ground
Hope is the only thing to cling to when we don't understand
Jesus is always there to take us by the hand

Without hope we would have no place to go
But resting on God's promises, we rejoice in the blessings that flow
How wonderful to rest in the promises in His wonderful book
If you ever get discouraged, just open it up and take a look

Romans 15:13 Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost.

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