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Lapeer, Michigan, United States

Revival And Evangelism


Let Down Your Nets

Do not be weary in well doing

even though the day seems long

Your labor of love will be rewarded

and soon you'll be singing the victory song

Have you toiled all night for the savior

and it seems you have taken in nothing

Just launch out into the deep

and watch the mighty hand of our great King

At His command, just let down your nets

and see the Lord do a great miracle

as your boat begins to sink

because of the fish it is so full

Jesus will bring in a great draught of fish,

so much that you will be astonished

That is why to obey his Word

and keep his commands we are admonished

Luke 5:4 Now when he had left speaking, He said unto Simon, Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught.


Lord, give me a burden for souls and a vision of eternity

Help me to see the world and people the way you see

May I remember all the souls that you died for

and how on the cross the sins of the whole world you bore

Give me a vision of the destiny of all the souls that are lost

and remember how you died to save them so in hell they'd not be tossed

May I have a peripheral as well as tunnel vision

and show people the way of salvation so they can make the decision

To have a view of the whole world in the way you do

and see the one poor sinner that I need to speak to

Help me to see an eternal soul through your heart and eyes

and testify of your great love and mercy and to be wise

Proverbs 11:30 The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise.

Who Will be On The Lord's Side

Who will be on the Lord's side,

who will leave their padded pew

to go out and preach on the street corner

for lost sinners to pursue

Who will be on the Lord's side,

who know there are only a few days

to win people to Christ

and go out into the highways and byways

Who will be on the Lord's side,

who see sinners on their way to hell

to preach the gospel from the housetops

and the good news of salvation tell

Who will be on the Lord's side,

who will leave their comfortable home

to go where God has called them

and not just aimlessly roam

Who will be on the Lord's side,

who will give their all and all for Him

to see souls the way that He sees souls

and do their best to win them

Matthew 22:9 Go ye therefore into the highways, and as many as ye shall find, bid to the marriage.

Beautiful Feet

Having beautiful feet is being a witness and soul winner

to spread the good news of the gospel to every lost sinner

Having beautiful feet is going where sent

following our savior's command without relent

Having beautiful feet is obeying the great commission

being faithful to the savior's calling and being on a mission

Having beautiful feet is sharing the gospel with those who've never heard

explaining the way of salvation in God's Holy Word

Having beautiful feet is proclaiming the good news to all who will hear

remembering Jesus died for all and to Him every soul is dear

Having beautiful feet is showing the ungodly that Jesus died for them

and they can be forgiven and receive eternal life when they trust in Him

Oh how beautiful are the feet of those who witness for God's glory

the faithful servants whose purpose is to tell the gospel story

Dear Jesus, please give me beautiful feet

help me to care about souls and not be asleep

Romans 10:15 And how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!

Rekindle The Fire

Going from hot to cold doesn't happen

in one giant leap

It starts with cooling down to lukewarm

then to cold and fast asleep

getting our eyes off things above

and becoming choked with cares here below

the flame of love for Jesus goes out

where once it was aglow

Oh precious saviour,

rekindle the fire in our hearts once again

make it keep burning brightly

and to never grow dim

Luke 12:35 Let your loins be girded about, and your lights burning.

So Many People Are Lost

So many people are lost in their sins

and will wake up in the lake of fire when they die

While alive on earth they received not the Gospel of Jesus

and believed the devil's lie

They thought they must be okay

because they were just doing what everyone else did

but they failed to realize the truth that most people

are on their way to hell and took Satan's bid

So many people are blind of their soul's eternal plight

and are heading down the road to disaster

With more and more people being deceived each day

hell is filling up faster and faster

Who will go and warn the sinner of this eternal hell to avoid

by trusting Jesus as their savior before it is too late

that many people will hear and repent

and turn to Jesus for forgiveness without delay or wait

Forgive me O Lord my savior for not doing all I should

to witness to people of your great salvation and love them as you would

Matthew 7:13-14 Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat. Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.

Sowing The Gospel Seed

Keep pressing forward and onward to the call

even when at times you stumble and fall

Just get up and keep on going

and the gospel seed keep sowing

You never know what the harvest will be

Trusting God for the results is the key

God will reward the smallest deed done for his glory

When we trust and obey and convey the gospel story

Keep looking to the Lord for his power and might,

loving souls and showing them Jesus is the light

God has already prepared hearts for the harvest

Just let him fill you with His Spirit and he will do the rest

Isaiah 32:20 Blessed are ye that sow beside all waters .

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