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Lapeer, Michigan, United States

Jesus Is The Way

 Jesus Is The Way

Jesus is the door from which to enter in
If you ask him to be your saviour, he'll wash away your sin
He'll remove your sin as far as the east is from the west
And remember them no more and make you eternally blest

The burden of sin will be lifted from the sorrow that it does bring
Just confess your sin to Jesus and he'll make your heart to sing
He loves you so much he shed his blood and died upon the tree
To give you eternal life and from sin to set you free

Free from the bondage with which Satan blinds your eyes
He is the great deceiver and is full of lies
The devil says there are many ways to get to Heaven
But we must listen to God and he says there is only one way given

Jesus said I am the way and no one can be saved any other way
He loves you so much that he suffered so you could go to heaven someday
Just tell him you've done sins and you know he paid the price for them
Then he'll be your saviour and you'll have a new life to begin

His Word is the Truth and it will guide you all the way
Just lean upon his promises and trust them throughout all the day
Jesus is the wonderful Savior who came to pay the price
For sins that we committed and his shed blood does suffice

John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

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