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Lapeer, Michigan, United States

My Little Church


My Little Church

I love my little church
in a town called Lapeer
and to hear my pastor preach
the Word of God without fear
He's faithful to his calling
and diligently feeds his flock
standing firm on the Bible
as the solid rock
preaching for the Lord
and not for men's applause,
but knowing that it is
for a much higher cause

Theres no place on earth I'd rather be
than in my little church
I love being in God's house
since the world is such a dearth
I'm so thankful to have a place to gather
with believers of like spirit and mind
and I know when I'm with them,
I've found the people of my kind
The joy of being with Christians
who know and love the Lord
is so much greater
than anything the world could afford

Matthew 18:20 Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.

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