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How Long Is Eternity

 How Long Is Eternity

If you take your last breath today
do you know where you will spend eternity
If you live to be 103 and then die
where will you be ?
People plan for their future,
with provisions for their retirement they make
but ignore the most important thing
when their eternal soul is at stake

If you live 10 or 103 years on earth
what is that compared with forever and ever
Once you take your last breath
you'll not be able to change your mind, no never
Your soul will be living eternally
in either Heaven or Hell
That's why the story of Jesus saving grace
is what I like to tell

Jesus loves you and shed his blood
on the cross to save you
Your eternal destiny
all depends on what with Jesus you will do
Will you accept him as your savior
and go to heaven someday
Or will you reject his love and gift of salvation
and go on your own way

Eternity is a long long time,
trillions of years and more, never ending
What you do with Jesus
is the most important decision in your life pending
If you don't know Jesus personally,
just tell him you know you are a sinner and trust in him alone
He will forgive and give you eternal life in heaven
This decision is so important, it is dangerous to postpone

John 3:36 He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life; and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him.

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