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Lapeer, Michigan, United States

Jesus, A True Friend

 Jesus, A True Friend

Jesus gives great peace
in a time of war
always there to help
the needy soul and poor
Jesus will never fail you
when you need His guiding hand
He'll pick you up and carry you
til you reach the promised land

Jesus never fails, His love will carry you
He is ever faithful and a friend so true

Jesus will always love
and never forsake you
even when the sea is stormy,
He will see you through
Jesus has all the power
to give the victory
He already conquered the enemy
on the cross of Calvary

Jesus never fails, His love will carry you
He is ever faithful and a friend so true

Jesus is never bitter,
His love is true and strong
You can always count on Him
to never do you wrong
Jesus' love is always constant
and steady to the end
In Him you could never find
a more truer friend

John 15:13 Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.

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