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Lapeer, Michigan, United States

Seasons In Life


Seasons In Life


To everything in life there is a season

with every phase a purpose and reason


When one season ends a new one will begin

gaining wisdom from where we have been


A season to press forward to what lies ahead

leaving the past behind and by Jesus being led


A season to labor in the harvest field

and a time to rest while in comes the yield


A season to weep and a time to rejoice

a time to be silent and a time to lift up our voice


A season to meditate on God's love and His word

a time to tell the gospel to others as you have heard


A season to be healthy, robust, and strong

a time of weariness and pain and for Heaven long


A season to abound and a time to suffer need

all the while ploughing to sow the gospel seed


A season to be active and a time to be still

all things according to God's perfect time and will


A season to be born and a time to die

when we fly away and go to our home on high


Ecclesiastes 3:1 To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.



Precious Name Of Jesus


How wonderful it will be in heaven

with Jesus my Lord

to hear his name sung in sweet melody

with a beautiful harmony chord

With all the saints gathered around the river

praising his holy name

All the born again believers loving him,

being of one mind the same

It will be so magnificent to hear

his name forever praised

All his glory and honor lifted up

on high and raised

Oh, how precious the name of Jesus

Sing it over and over again to me

My heart never grows tired

of hearing it, so wonderful is He


Phil 2:10 That at the name of Jesus every knee shall bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth and things under the earth.



Ticket To Heaven


I got my ticket to heaven,

just can’t see the date stamped on it yet

This is one ticket I’m not losing,

won’t ever have to look all over and fret

It was given to me free of charge

purchased with the blood of God’s own son

the only thing I can never lose if I tried

not because of me, but what my savior has done

Jesus paid for my ticket in full

so I could be forgiven and not go to hell

He paid for my sins and I trusted him

sums it all up in a nutshell


Ephesians 2:8-9 For by grace are ye saved through faith and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works lest any man should boast.



I'm A Loser


I lost all the filthy rags of

my self righteousness,

but was clothed with Christ's garments,

the Lamb of God who was sinless

I lost all confidence

of anything good in myself,

but gained Christ's righteousness,

which is the greatest wealth

I lost all worldly goals and ambitions

to pursue

when I turned to Jesus

and saw his cross in view

I lost all the emptiness of life

and dissatisfaction

when I trusted Christ and received

the wonderful gift of salvation


Phillipians 3:7 But what things were gain to me, those I counted loss for Christ.



All Things Are Possible


All things are possible

 when we walk by faith and not by sight

With a tiny spark of faith

a whole fire can ignite

when we look up at things

not seen by the human eye

and catch a glimpse of heaven

that all the gold in the world cannot buy

To set our affection on things above

on things by faith afar off to see

the things that are eternal

and where with Jesus we'll forever be


II Corinthians 5:7 For we walk by faith not by sight.

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