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Lapeer, Michigan, United States

The Winning Side

The Winning Side

The victory is ours because we're on the winning side
No matter what happens, were going to with Jesus eternally abide
The trials of this life will soon be forever past
Only treasures laid up in Heaven will be what will truly last

If God is on our side, then who can be against us
Whether we live or die we will be victorious
With God fighting our battles, we are sure to win
For He is greater than any other and has always been

Today is the day of battle, tomorrow will be the victor's song
Hold on dear brother and sister, for sure it won't be long
Though the battle now seems fierce with many trials to overcome
Just keep trusting the Lord, the one whom our strength comes from

Romans 8:31 What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us?

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