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I Love Jesus


I Love Jesus


I love Jesus because He first loved me

He rides the waves with me through the stormy sea

When I'm sailing smoothly across the bay

And a raging storm comes my way

He is the master of the sea

He says "peace be still" and it will be

I want to love Him even more

for He brought my boat safe to the other shore


I love Jesus because He loves me

He loved me first and made my eyes see

My savior loves me even when I fail

And His loving kindness does always prevail

I'm so glad his love is so true

and I always have Him to look to

He is always there and a true friend

His love is too wonderful to even comprehend


I love Jesus because He loves me so

He loves me and keeps me and will never let me go

He sees me when my steps are going astray

And gently leads me back to Him and shows the way

He is always waiting with his arms open wide

And with His love and mercy I am never denied

His love grows sweeter and sweeter each day

for He is my constant hope and stay


I love Jesus because He is always there

I know He loves me and will always care

Others may fail me, but Jesus never

I am His forever and ever


I John 4:19  We love him, because he first loved us.



I Love Jesus (Part 2)


I love Jesus and I'll never take it back

 even if I'm put on the torture rack

 He's a friend that sticketh closer than a brother

 I love Him so much more than any other


 He knows all my trials and every heartache

 and works to remold me and to remake

 Even though my faith is tried with fire

 He is there to pick me up out of the mire


I love Jesus because He never forgets

 how I followed Him in the wilderness through many pits

 He is my all in all and so great a salvation

 Through his redemption He made me a new creation


 Jesus is there when thrown in the fiery furnace

 He goes with me and causes me to resurface

 The fire does not harm me, but only refine

 to bear more fruit for His glory, not mine


I love Jesus because He forgives

 and within my heart He forever lives


 I Peter 4:12 Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you.



Sailing With Jesus


 Sailing, sailing

across the crystal clear bay

 keeping our eyes on the lighthouse

to lead us all the way,

the beautiful water so refreshing and comforting

with each peaceful rolling wave

and when the sea changes to turbulent,

Jesus is there to save


Jesus is the lighthouse

to guide us to the sought for land

and bring our boat to the restful harbor

by His great and mighty hand,

then having our boat anchored

safe and secure to the dock

with the joy of knowing voyage accomplished

through Jesus the rock


Isaiah 43:16 I am the LORD, which maketh a way in the sea, and a path in mighty waters.



Safe In The Storm


I have seen the lightening flash,

I have heard the thunder roll

In the arms of Jesus

safe and secure is my soul

Though my boat is often tossed

in the tempest of the sea

And the waves are roaring

and seem to be overcoming me

the winds and the waves

still obey the master's command

and nothing, no nothing

can ever shake me out of his hand


 John 10:28 And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.

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