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Lapeer, Michigan, United States

Don't Hide

 Don't Hide

There are some things we should not hide
So let's get on the Savior's side
We should tell people Jesus is the only way
No matter what kings and presidents say

The world does not like the message of the cross
But we should obey Jesus and let him be our boss
People will not understand you and think you odd
They want you to give them the world's okay nod

But you cannot reach that heavenly shore
If you travel the road of the Great White whore
There's only one way to get to heaven above
And that's through accepting God's great gift of love

His gift is his Son who died on the tree
To save us from sin and to set us free
If we know him and trust with all our heart
Someday we'll be in heaven with a brand new start

Old things will pass away and all things be new
Compared to the masses, twill only be a few
It is the narrow way and not the broad way
But thank the Lord Jesus we'll be there to stay

There all the crooked things will be made straight
And we will never ever again have to wait
It will be a glorious day to be there so bright
I really can't wait to get off on my flight

I John 3:1 BEHOLD, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God: therefore the world knoweth us not, because it knew him not.

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