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Lapeer, Michigan, United States

I'm Going To A Country


I'm Going To A Country

I'm going to a country whose land is fair
There will be no weeping when we get there
It will all be over, with great peace in that place
and we'll be singing praises about saved by grace

In that place there will be no more pain
All the glories of heaven will be our gain
We'll be so happy to leave our troubles behind
And there in heaven rich treasures to find

Once and for all we will lay our burdens down
and there we will never again have a frown
We'll be with Jesus, the one who delivers
and the one who is the greatest of all givers

Our trials and tribulations will be over forevermore
When we get there Jesus will settle the score
He is already acquainted with all our sorrows and grief
and someday we will have total and everlasting relief

There we will never be tired and weary
Everything in heaven will be bright and cheery
All our labors will then be done
And we'll be rejoicing the victory is won

I'll see my savior who bore all my sins for me
and his dear face I will then clearly see

Hebrews 11:16 But now they desire a better country, that is, an heavenly ....

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