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Lapeer, Michigan, United States

Rejoice In The Lord

Rejoice Always


Rejoice, rejoice always

for great things God has done

He redeemed us and purchased our soul

with the blood of his own son


 Rejoice, rejoice always

because Jesus washed our sins away

He paid for them all on the cross

so we would not have to pay


Rejoice, rejoice always

for Jesus is the Master of everything

He gives us peace, not as the world giveth,

that makes our heart to sing


 Rejoice, rejoice always

when you are persecuted for Jesus name

For great is your reward,

they treated the prophets of old the same


Rejoice, rejoice always

for the Lord is powerful and great

He saved us by his mercy

so we could enter the pearly white gate


Rejoice, rejoice always

not that the devils are subject to you

but because your name is written in heaven

with the believers few


 Philippians 4:4 Rejoice in the Lord always; and again I say rejoice.  



Jesus Is Coming Back


Jesus is coming back,

Oh what a glorious thought

He’s coming to get his bride

that with his blood he bought

Oh what a wonderful hope,

waiting for him to come back

We will then be perfect

with no more sin and no more lack

Jesus is coming back,

it makes me want to shout and sing

He’s coming back for me,

my great and mighty king


John 14:3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also


Traveling On


Traveling on, traveling on

Til we reach the Son shine land

The Son will be the light

In that place so grand


Traveling on, traveling on

On the upward way

When we see our Savior's face

Will be the happiest day


Pressing on, pressing on

We have to keep up pace

Don't pull out now

We have to finish the race


Pressing on, pressing on

In the power of His might

Soon the race will be won

The prize is just in sight


Toiling on, toiling on

Don't let the battle get you down

Someday very soon

We'll be wearing the victor's crown


Toiling on, toiling on

Worn and weary, resting under his wings

His strength will sustain us

And give us happy songs to sing


II Timothy 4:7 I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith.



Jesus Is The Light


Jesus came into the world

to be the light

So people blinded by darkness

could receive their sight


We were once lost in sin

until one glorious day

When Jesus' light shone in

and washed our sins away


Since Jesus' light

came into our hearts to shine

his Word has become alive

while we commune with him and dine


As we walk in the light of Jesus

the world becomes so dim

We just want to have more light

and be closer and closer to him


While walking in His light

Jesus gives us joy that overflows

He makes our heart so happy

that even our face glows


The wondrous light of Jesus

what a wonderful thing

It makes us full of joy unspeakable

and makes us want to sing


John 12:46 I am come a light into the world, that whosoever believeth in me should not abide in darkness.

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