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Lapeer, Michigan, United States

Time To Take Down Our Sails

Time To Take Down Our Sails 

Soon it will be time to take down our sails
for we're getting closer and closer to the dock
after having survived many tempest gales

We're going to make it, the land is just in sight
after the long hard journey
through the storms and gusting winds in the night

As we ponder the glories of heaven in our mind etched
God will guide our boat to the harbor
while the sea is calming as we reach the final stretch

The sea is now very tranquil, quiet and serene
as we know we're almost there
to be with Jesus forever with no veil inbetween

The peaceful shore is awaiting at our journey's end
the sea and all its turbulence over
It's getting closer and closer, just around the bend

2 Timothy 4:7 I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith.

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